Ai Hackerspace - June 27

Jun 27 / rUv

AI Hackerspace Live:

This week’s AI Hackerspace showcased Reuven Cohen's Gradio FastAPI Conductor demo, lightning talks on AI impacts, compliance, and employment futures. Highlights included Greg D on interactive test cases, Scott Howard on peaceful AI transformations, and vibrant networking. The session emphasized innovation, practical applications, and community engagement in the AI space.

Summary Template


Opening Remarks: The session was opened by Reuven Cohen, setting a collaborative and enthusiastic tone. He welcomed everyone and highlighted the importance of community engagement and collaboration in driving AI innovation.

Agenda Overview:

  • Main presentations on AI projects.
  • Technical demonstrations.
  • Lightning talks.
  • Discussions on real-world applications.
  • Future call topics.

Main Presentation(s)

Presenter(s) and Time Stamp:

  • Reuven Cohen started at 00:00:00 and presented until 00:16:00.
  • Greg D started at 00:16:30.

Key Points Covered

  1. Reuven Cohen:

    • Introduced Gradio FastAPI Conductor.
    • Demonstrated the integration of Cloud 9 into the agentic-voice project.
    • Gave a detailed demo of the code and frontend using FastAPI.
    • Showcased several example dashboards he deployed using FastAPI.
    • Github GIST Link
  2. Greg D:

    • Demonstrated
    • Presented a new test-case for a palm pilot.
    • Built a Flappy Bird game, highlighting the need for authentication to protect OpenAI keys.


  • Reuven Cohen: Emphasized the importance of community contributions and shared a live demo link for his calculator built with Gradio.
  • Greg D: Received positive feedback for his innovative test cases and the community appreciated the interactive demonstrations.

In-Depth Summary for Reuven's Presentation
: Reuven Cohen presented his work on the Gradio FastAPI Conductor, a powerful toolkit designed to automate the creation of interactive dashboards using Gradio and FastAPI. He gave a detailed demo of the code and frontend using FastAPI, showcasing several example dashboards he deployed.

The presentation included:

  • Introduction: Overview of the Gradio FastAPI Conductor, its purpose, and importance in today's data-driven world.
  • Features: Highlighted key features such as dynamic code execution, prompt-based UI creation, session management, and CodeSandbox integration.
  • Live Demo: Demonstrated how to execute Python snippets, generate Gradio UIs from prompts, and manage interactive sessions.
  • Practical Applications: Showcased real-world examples of interactive dashboards and how they can enhance user engagement and decision-making processes.
  • Community Engagement: Encouraged participants to explore the project further and contribute to its development.

Lightning Talks

Talk Title: Various AI and technical topics.


  • Stephen Wise
  • Scott Howard
  • Nick

Key Points

  • Stephen Wise: Discussed the overestimation of short-term AI impacts and underestimation of long-term potentials, emphasizing the need for a balanced perspective.
  • Scott Howard: Addressed the historical impact of technological transitions leading to conflicts, advocating for peaceful AI transformation to avoid past mistakes.
  • Nick: Shared insights on the potential downturn of jobs due to AI advancements but highlighted future opportunities for increased human creativity and new job roles.

Technical Demonstrations

Presenter(s) and Time Stamp:

  • Greg D at 00:16:30
  • Olexiy Pukhov at 01:02:59

Tool/Framework Introductions:

  • Gradio and FastAPI: Showcased by Reuven Cohen for building interactive AI tools.
  • Chain of Thought: Mentioned by Craftsman as a real-time use case for AI thought processes.

Key Features and Comparisons:

  • Gradio: Demonstrated its ease of use for creating interactive web apps and its integration with FastAPI.
  • Chain of Thought: Highlighted its effectiveness in structuring AI thought processes to enhance problem-solving capabilities.

Discussions and Q&A

Topic and Time Stamp:

  • Agentic Employment at 00:56:34
  • AI Compliance at 01:01:10

Key Points:

  • Reuven Cohen: Explored the future of AI in employment and organizational structures, discussing potential shifts in job roles and the importance of adaptability.
  • Scott Howard: Raised questions on AI compliance with regulations like HIPAA, stressing the need for robust frameworks to ensure data privacy and security.

Special Topics

Presenter(s) and Time Stamp:

  • Robert Ranson at 01:07:38
  • Sandy Dunn at 01:16:29

Key Points Covered:

  • AI in Policy and Professional Advice: Discussion on the implications of AI in regulatory compliance and professional advice, with resources shared for further reading, including a recommendation for a book on US AI policy.
  • AI in Healthcare: Highlighted the practical uses of AI in healthcare, including compliance and data management, emphasizing the importance of professional disclaimers in AI applications.

Real-World Applications

  • Sandy Dunn: Detailed practical applications of AI in healthcare and regulatory fields, illustrating how AI can streamline processes and improve efficiency while maintaining compliance.

Community Engagement

Networking Initiatives

Technical Challenges

  • Authentication Issues: Greg D was advised to set up authentication to protect API keys, highlighting the importance of security in AI applications.

Future Call Topics

Proposed Topics and Time Stamp:

  • Universal Basic Compute by Sam Altman at 01:33:48
  • AI Governance: Discussed throughout, with emphasis on integrating AI for quicker governmental reactions.

Focus and Presenters

  • Sam Altman: On managing AI to provide Universal Basic Compute as an alternative to UBI, exploring its implications for the future workforce.

Closing Remarks

Summary of Discussions
: The session covered significant insights into AI advancements, community engagement, and future AI governance. Expressions of Gratitude: Participants expressed appreciation for the engaging discussions and informative presentations. Future Plans: Plans for continued discussions on AI's impact on employment and governance were noted, with a focus on fostering innovation and collaboration within the community.

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    Upcoming Ai HackerSpace Live 

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