
Fractional Robotics Network

  • Fractional robotic ownership & access

  • Extensive selection of AI robots 

  • Communal membership structure • Delivered to your door

  • Wide range of robot tasks

  • Unlimited possibilities

Coming Soon



The first, yes, really.

Private Members Robotics Network


Fractional AI
Robot Access

Affordable access to advanced AI-powered robots through a membership model. Users can leverage cutting-edge robotics for various tasks without the high costs of full ownership.

Evolving Robotic Capabilities

Diverse robot fleet continually improves through shared usage and regular updates. Members benefit from an expanding range of capabilities, from household chores to personal assistance and specialized tasks.

Community-Driven Innovation

A vibrant membership community drives robotics innovation. Users share experiences, developers create new applications, and collective feedback shapes the future of personal and business robotics solutions

Our Vision

We envision a future where personal robotic assistants are an integral part of daily life, enhancing productivity, providing companionship, and performing tasks that improve quality of life.

Using the best available robotic technology, our robots are designed to be versatile, capable of handling a wide range of tasks from household chores to personal care, and even acting as mobile workstations or entertainment centers.


Value Proposition

  1. Collective Co-operative: a community-driven fractional ownership model. Members gain tiered access to a diverse fleet of advanced humanoid robots
  2. Accessibility: Fractional ownership model makes advanced robotic assistants affordable for a broader market.
  3. Flexibility: Members can access different robot models based on their changing needs.
  4. Cutting-edge Technology: Continuous updates and improvements without the need for personal investment in new hardware.
  5. Community: Access to a network of robot enthusiasts, developers, and early adopters.
  6. Sustainability: Shared resources reduce environmental impact compared to individual ownership.

Unitree G1

Combined with force-position hybrid control, it is sensitive and reliable, and can simulate human hands to achieve precise operation of objects.

Imitation & reinforcement learning driven

The Retail Price: $16,000 USD or Fractional Access $99/month

Write your awesome label here.

A0I-Powered Companions

Versatile humanoid robots handle scheduling, communications, and chores, enhancing productivity and life quality through natural interactions.
Write your awesome label here.

Business and Customer Service

Robots assist in clinical tasks, rehabilitation, and elderly care, providing consistent support for chronic conditions and cognitive impairments.
Write your awesome label here.

Transforming Patient Care and Support

Humanoid robots excel in customer service, product demonstrations, and hospitality, allowing human staff to focus on complex, high-value tasks.
Write your awesome label here.

Research and Development

Humanoid platforms drive research in AI, biomechanics, and human-robot collaboration, contributing to cognitive science and future robotic systems.

Disruption Potential

  • Personal Assistance

  • Healthcare/Eldercare

  • Retail and Hospitality

  • Research and Development

  • Security and Surveillance

Community & Membership Structure


  • $99/month ($66/hour)
  • 1.5 hours monthly direct access + communal access
  • Online Workshops & Learning
  • Basic robot models 
  • Community forum access
  • Paid access to educational workshops

150 memberships available

Premium Membership

  • $249/month ($49.80/hour)
  • 5 hours monthly direct access + communal access
  • Online Learning
  • Standard robot models and priority support
  • Free Access to educational workshops

125 memberships available


  • $599/month ($39.93/hour)
  • 15 hours monthly direct access + communal access
  • Online Learning
  • Advanced robot models and 24/7 support
  • Beta / Early Access to Robots

100 memberships available


  • $1,299/month ($32.48/hour)
  • 40 hours direct access + communal access
  • All robot models including prototypes
  • Beta / Early Access to Robots
  • Custom programming and exclusive events

30 memberships available

The First Open Robotics Network

Think Airbnb + Uber + WeWork for Robots

The Agentic Valet Collective Co-operative is an innovative platform that democratizes access to AI-powered robotic assistants through a community-driven fractional ownership model. Members gain tiered access to a diverse fleet of advanced humanoid robots capable of performing a wide range of tasks, from household chores to personal assistance. The co-operative leverages cutting-edge AI and machine learning to continuously improve its robots' capabilities, while its collective governance structure allows members to shape the future of personal robotics. 

Help Open a Local Network

Volunteering to establish a local AgenticValet network can be an exciting and rewarding endeavor that combines community service with cutting-edge technology.

By starting a robotics club or team in your area, you can create a platform for enthusiasts, students, and professionals to come together and explore the world of robotics. This initiative not only fosters innovation and learning but also contributes to the growing field of personal assistance robots and automated services.

As a volunteer organizer, you'll have the opportunity to shape the direction of the club, mentor newcomers, and potentially collaborate with local businesses and educational institutions to secure resources and support.

Oh, and share in the revenue and profits! 

Ready to get started?

Enter your email for early access. Our team will get in touch with you for a personal onboarding.
Thank you!

Frequently asked questions

How are these Robots shared?

You have a per-determined allotment of time based on tier, time of day and availability.

Can developers create apps for the robots?

We implement strict data protection measures and use encrypted communication for all robot interactions.

Which cities are you located?

Toronto to start, other cities based on demand/interest. 

Is it safe to use these robots?

Yes, our robots are equipped with advanced security features, including facial recognition and encrypted communication.

How are the Robots Delivered & Returned?

Delivered to your front door via ride sharing services. 

What if I break it?

There is a deposit and insurance options. 

What Robots do you support?

Initially the Unitree G1 with others coming soon. 

I don't get it? Are these real robots?

the most obvious fit for Agentics is implementation in physical robots, but for the most part they are cost prohibitive or unavailable for consumers. This solves this problem by allowing fractional access and group purchasing power.
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